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Management Minutes from Monday 9th September 2024

Please find below link to the minutes for the Derbyshire & Cheshire Cricket League Management Meeting which was held at Newton on Monday 9th September.

Dear All...

The end of the season will soon be upon us so the Management Committee are already putting in place matters for the 2025 season. But before that, please find enclosed the minutes of the meeting which took place this week. The highlights of which are:-

1) Please get copies of your Public Liability in to me ASAP, remembering that holding Public Liability insurance is a condition of you being a League Member.

2) The AGM will be on Thursday 21st November 2024 and any nominations or proposals need to be in 28 days before the AGM OR can be made on the night. The constitution and Section 1 rules will be available before the 28 day period-Venue to be confirmed by the way.

Also, not in the minutes but nearly as important:-

1) All Sunday games now start at 12.30pm- it originally said 1pm on playcricket

2) We are still canvassing you all for a new League Secretary as we would like someone new, with new ideas, on the committee, and the details of what this involves is also attached.

3) Don't forget the Presentation Evening on the 8th November- should be a good evening all round!

Enjoy the end of the season, and enjoy the end of season "Do's"

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