Dear All,....
Please find enclosed a copy of correspondence from the League Chairman. Karl Williams in relation to the start of the season. The letter/email is self explanatory.. Please ensure that whoever attends the meeting is aware of which option your club wants to take as there will obviously be a vote in the evening. Also remember that the match balls will be available so make sure you have paid for them so you can collect them!!!
Dear All
I refer to our upcoming League Meeting on Thursday 25th April and the delayed start to the season on 27th April.
The Management Committee is well aware of the unprecedented rainfall we have had over the last two months and the fact that groundsmen have had great difficulty in preparing wickets and outfields. We had hoped that by delaying the start of the season by one week the situation would improve, sadly however the rain has not abated and we are aware that some clubs are really struggling to have their grounds in a fit state to commence the season this Saturday.
It also come to light that other league's in the area (notably the GMCL) have decided to cancel this Saturday's fixture and re-arrange for a later date.
The Committee is also well aware that we have a very congested calendar of fixtures throughout the season and the rearrangement of fixtures is not easy, hence the fixtures postponed from 20th April being put back to the week after the original end of season date.
In the last 24 hours I have been obtaining the views of members of League Management and there are differing opinions on how best to proceed. I have therefore decided that it is best for the decision to be made by the clubs at this week's meeting.
To summarise the options appear to be as follows:
1) The season starts on 27th April as previously agreed by Management on 8th April and matches will either be played or not dependent upon fitness of the ground.
2) All matches on 27th April are abandoned and are not re-arranged.
3) The matches on 27th April are postponed and are moved to Sunday 14th July..
If option three is adopted you should be aware that this is the date for one of the junior finals days which will have to be re-arranged. It is also the date for the 20/20 quarter finals which will be moved to a Thursday evening.
Also in respect of option 3 I think clubs need to be aware that double weekends are no longer popular with players and it may well be a struggle for clubs to turn out two sides on the rearranged date. I am aware that there are already grumblings in the GMCL regarding the fact that two double weekends have now been included in their calendar.
This email is being sent out 48 hours in advance of our meeting so this is plenty of time for clubs to discuss the situation and send their delegate to Thursday's meeting with a mandate.
Karl Williams