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League Update

Updated: Apr 6, 2023

The season will soon be upon us hence why we have several meetings arranged over the next two to three weeks:-

Captains Meeting

Thursday 6th April 2023

7.30pm at Chapel CC.

Please can all captains attend.

Umpires Meeting

Wednesday 12th April 2023

7.30pm at Dove Holes CC.

Executive Meeting

Thursday 20th April 2023

7.30pm at Woodley CC.

The matchball orders are being delivered to Woodley on the morning of the 20th so it seems apt to have an Executive Meeting at the same time, just before the start of the season. I am also hoping that the new League Rule books will be available for this meeting but there are several factors relating to this, so it's a fingers crossed moment.

Just a couple of more things:


We have had some volunteers and they need to complete an online course to get to level one.

Unfortunately the link I had for the course didn't work, so I've got it again and will be sending it to those who have previously asked for it. If you have ANYONE interested, please ask them to get in touch so I can send the link.

Don't forget to update your squad on playcricket. I think ALL clubs have done really well in registering their players, but just a reminder you need to put ALL your senior squad on there.

By the way, the transfers list will NOT include transfers completed via Playcricket as that would be recording thing twice, and would defeat the object of doing the transfer on playcricket.

Hopefully see all of you at one of the above meetings at least, and have a great Easter break.

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